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State Chairman 

Cheryl Taylor 

Junior Chairman

Jamie Blott


District Chairmen

Lake Erie District: Tracy Salvo 
Northeast District: Sperry Rongone 
Southeast District: Cheryl Taylor 
Southwest District: Sue Adams 

Fundraising for your club, GFWC Ohio, and GFWC is vital. Members should explore innovative ways to raise the funds for your club to continue their volunteer efforts in their communities and to support GFWC Ohio and GFWC. Special projects should be developed to assist with the cost of officers and members attending any Federation meeting, hold a membership drive or designated for special activities.

*OHIO: Promote the purchase of Fundraising items at meetings and events.
*Wear the 2024-2026 ADMINISTRATION PIN proudly. They are available from your District President for $5.00
*Promote the purchase of Junior Board Fundraising items at meetings and events.
*Junior Director Pin $5.00, other fundraising items at various price.
*GFWC items can be found at: in the Marketplace.


Lady Jayne: The Lady Jayne collection offers interchangeable GFWC emblem charms. 12% of GFWC emblem purchases will benefit GFWC. See page 143 in the club manual for purchase instructions.

Here are some ideas that may spark ideas for your club fundraising:

*Paint & Sip or Craft event fundraiser.

*Breakfast with the Easter Bunny or Santa.
*Restaurant Share Night (ie:Texas Roadhouse) where you get a percentage of sales. You
may also be allowed to hold a bake sale or raffle at the event. Invites can be hand delivered,
placed on Facebook, and don’t forget to advertise locally.
*Pampered Chef online fundraiser with one of the consultants and have them set up the
event with you as hostess. You can then post the event on your club Facebook page and
have order placed there.
*Hold a book sale, used and new. Invite an author to the event.
*Pet photo contest through Facebook page. Advertise and sell virtual votes with payment Via Venmo or Pay Pal. Can award cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

*Hold a Make It, Bake It, Take It auction. This can be within your club or with invited
guests. It can be fun to see the talents in your club whether baking, sewing, gardening, etc.
Maybe you have a club member that has talent as an auctioneer.
*It’s in the Bag! (Brown Bag Auction) It’s a mystery…what will it be??? How much is
someone willing to bet on that item hiding in the bag? Sounds like a fun event.

Helpful pointers:
*Utilize the 2024-2026 GFWC Club Manual for further fundraising ideas. Pages 137-144.
*Make sure to review “Steps to Successful Fundraising” in manual on pages 141-143.

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